German Riding Ponies

German Riding Ponies Australia

Siblings of:
(F) 20 Mar 1997, 97.00093 NWR, Breed = Dutch Welsh Riding Pony
Studbook = Netherlands Welsh Pony & Cob Society
Sire COELENHAGE'S LET'S BE THE BEST   (M) 01 Jan 1990 NWPCS 16193 Chestnut, Breed=Dutch Welsh Riding Pony, Studbook=Netherlands Welsh Pony & Cob Society
Dam THRIANTA'S LILIAN ELISABETH   (F) 01 Jan 1990 30285 NWR Chestnut, Breed=Dutch Welsh Riding Pony, Studbook=Netherlands Welsh Pony & Cob Society
Full Siblings
Sire Sibling 1 COELENHAGE'S LADY PRIMEUR   (F) 20 Jan 1984 26011 NWR Black/Brown, Breed=Dutch Welsh Riding Pony, Studbook=Netherlands Welsh Pony & Cob Society
  1. COELENHAGE'S PURIOSO   (M) 25 Mar 1995 NWPCS 19417 Bay, Breed=Dutch Welsh Riding Pony, Studbook=Netherlands Welsh Pony & Cob Society
Sire Sibling 2 MOONLIGHT   (F) 01 Jan 1990 NWR 30397 STB-K Palomino, Breed=Dutch Welsh Riding Pony, Studbook=Netherlands Welsh Pony & Cob Society
  1. AMARENS   (F) 01 Jan 1995 NWR 35023 STB-K Palomino, Breed=Dutch Welsh Riding Pony, Studbook=Netherlands Welsh Pony & Cob Society